Your Business is unique.

Your ERP Software should cater to your organization's unique flows.

Your Business is Unique

Your ERP solution should be tailored to fit your needs


Customer Satisfaction

67 Client Ratings

98 %

Retention Rate

Industry: ~70%


Live in 1-6 Months

Industry: 6 months - 2 years


Companies Implemented

Robotics, Aerospace, Biomedical, and more

We do this because we love it

Genuine desire to help businesses drives our transparency

Review Workflows

We thoroughly analyze your business' processes and provide transparent recommendations on how to optimize Odoo to best fit your business needs.


Due to our extensive business and back-end experience, we provide solutions that are sustainable as your business grows.

Go Live

Going live should not take an eternity. We have a history of exceeding our customers' go live expectations   (training and timeline).